

Monday, September 24, 2012

private messages become public on facebook bug

Panic on Facebook. Metro magazine reports that due to a bug, former private messages are published in public to the Timeline.

 Everyone does not seem affected by the bug, which suggests that it is not systematic. Bug or flaw concerns private messages exchanged between 2007 and 2009. These are would display on Timeline of transmitters and receivers of these messages unbeknownst to their users.

It is not the first bug related to privacy on the network but rarely a technical problem the network has been so critical to its users.

 For now, it is very difficult to know how many people are affected by this problem, or even if there is a link (security settings) between them. About the causes of what appears to be a failure history, Facebook has not yet commented.

However, if you encounter this bug you too and your private messages back in your Timeline, here is a method to delete them.


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